Tuesday, May 11, 2010


 Just a few names my daughter is known by.
Megan is going to be a teenager this year,time is flying away and it seems hard to think that the teenage years are upon us.

I have already seen one fly the nest in Beckie,its still hard to think that she is now a mummy and has her turn to have special girly times with Evie so I know how fast life can pass by and I just want to hold on to time and slow the pace a little

Megan is just such a grounded girl,she is very witty and fun to be with and in amogst the crazyness of our family life being the eldest of siblings at home gets the raw end of the deal sometimes

she may have to endure doing little kiddy stuff cos thats what we have to do with Daniel and Lucy but then again its a good excuse for her to be able to still be a child as its still cool if you are riding the roundabout or swinging high in the swing if you are doing it cos you have a kid brother

Our children our growing up too fast and its great that I can still capture that little girl in her even though she is totally an IT girl and just way too cool!!

We take time as mother and daughter,maybe not quite enough but we have our special girl moments just the two of us and its working,we chat as we walk at night after our evening meal and we share girl gossip and we laugh so much,its nice to get out in the evening sun and watch the sun set over the fields.

One of the beautiful views we have on our nightly walks

Megan has learnt patience and understanding from having a little brother and sister
A brother can just loves to thump her.,he really does enjoy a good scrap with his big sister

And a little sister that wont go downstairs in the morning unless she has gotten her big sister out of bed to hold her hand downstairs

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Lucy Mai

Lucy Mai
Here is Lucy Mai the baby of the family she loves playing with her brother ans sister and has the most wonderful smile that you ever did see


Daniel is a very cheeky loving boy who loves his cars and trains and anything boy!!! He is very keen on dressing up army right now and is the most loving little fella


Megan a little ray of sunshine who lights up a room,she loves all things girly and shopping for shoes,she is a book worm and currently reading Harry Potter


My big girl all grown up now and loves life and is looking forward to moving in with her boyfriend and making a beautiful new home

The daddy,Andrew

The daddy,Andrew
My wonderful Andrew who looks after his family and is the best daddy ever

The mummy me

The mummy me
I am the one who keeps the home front running and I love to be at home with my children and look after our home.I love photography,reading crafts and of course shopping
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