During the christmas period I have little time to do what needs to be done let alone any posts,top that off with siatica pain on every movement,dosed up the eyeballs on pain killers and maybe you can understand my lack of cheery christmas posts....bahhh humbug!!!
I worked through it though and had a wonderful christmas time with a big focus on friends as well as family this year and it made christmas extra special to spend some time with great friends.
I was spoilt christmas day by rebecca who cooked a fantastic meal for us all,even though she put the oven on grill for the first 3 hours,the turkey was fine and cooked to perfection,maybe grilling is the way to go!!!
I was amazed at Lucys understanding of the whole christmas thing,she was very in to it all (my party girl) right down to choosing her own outfit and shoes for christmas day,she has style!!
I sadly didnt take pictures this year as I could barely lift myself up let alone a camera so I am afraid this year I will just have my memory of events and those I will cherish! My back is not good right now and so I have not been very creative either although have taken up some knitting,project cardigan!!
One thing that has brought me great joy this holiday season is how well lucy has come on with her speech,its truly amazing and very understandable
Last night she rattled this big sentence off as I was putting her to bed
Me "Time to go bed now Lucy"
Lucy "Ok,Me go in my bed,Gaga (her name for Daniel) go his own bed,he naughty,mummy go bed,daddy go bed,megeg go bed,everybody go to bed.
she then lay in bed chatting to her doll asking dolly if she had missed her and that she needed to put her covers on
It was so sweet and its great now to hear her opinions and her humor is amazing,she is very funny and cheeky and now she can use words to express her personality,im loving this independance its giving her and she loves it too,she is soaking up these words and putting them in to context.
Also just to document another first,this time for my big boy Daniel,he has lost his first baby tooth,and guess what ................the tooth fairy came to our house last night.